Bureau HTTP Status Codes

Check Status Codes to handle codes received from Bureau, build your business logic and take remedial action at your end.

  • Map and analyse top failure reasons
    • Identify the source of failure.
    • Narrow down and understand if cause of the failure. Can be due to customer action or external factors
    • Identify the exact reason of the failure
    • Handle actionable error codes
    • Avoid possible integration errors
    • Display valid responses to your customers
HTTP Status CodeMessageDescriptionNext Steps
200SuccessThe request was successfully processed and the response was returned.
400BAD_REQUESTThe server could not understand the request. This could be because:
1. The request data is either not well formed, syntactically incorrect, or in the expected data format.
2. A required field is not available.
3. A data validation error occurred.
4. The API could not convert the payload data to the underlying data type.
Check and correct the information passed in the API request.
401UNAUTHORISED_ACCESSAPI authentication credentials provided were invalid.Check and correct the API authentication credentials passed in the API request.
403MERCHANT_CREDITS_EXPIREDYou have run out of credits for the API.Contact our Support Team at [email protected] to get more credentials.
422NO_RECORD_FOUNDNo record was found for the requested parameter/value.
443MAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDEDYou have exceeded the rate limit for the API or the number of retries for an API.Wait for the recommended time before retrying the API request.

Contact our Support Team at [email protected] to know the rate limit for particular APIs.
500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.Retry the API after some time.

Contact our Support Team at [email protected] if the error persists.
503INTERNAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe server is not ready to handle the request.Retry the API after some time.

Contact our Support Team at [email protected] if the error persists.