iOS Native

Welcome to our iOS plugin designed to seamlessly integrate with the Bureau's Device Intelligence, enhancing the functionality of mobile apps or webpages.

Getting Started

To integrate our native SDK into your project, follow the comprehensive documentation provided below. Ensure a seamless implementation and unlock the full potential of Device Intelligence for your application.

Minimum Requirements

  • Xcode 11.0+
  • iOS Deployment Target > 13.0 & Mac OS > 12.0.
Permission TypeDescription
OptionalMonitoring the Battery - UIDevice.current.isBatteryMonitoringEnabled //
OptionalUser Current location - CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() //
RequiredFor Advertising Identifier IDFA - requestTrackingAuthorization

Integration Steps

At its core, the solution functions through three straightforward steps:

  1. Start by implementing Device Intelligence + OTL SDK with mobile application.
  2. Initialize the SDK using either the Client ID or Credential ID. This enables us to gather user and device data. We will then thoroughly analyze and enhance the collected data in the background.
  3. You can then utilize our API to access insights, aiding you in deciding the subsequent actions for your user, whether it's permitting, obstructing, or redirecting them.

Flow Diagram

  1. sessionKey and userid are generated / retrieved by the client backend and sent to your application
  2. Your mobile application initialises our SDK through the init function by setting these attributes -
    1. Session ID (mandatory unique UUID)
    2. User ID (optional)
    3. Flow (optional)
  3. Invoke the submit function in SDK to pass the data to Bureau backend.
  4. Upon successful submission of the parameters, a callback is received in the SDK. The next steps can be taken based on the callback (success/failure).
  5. If the callback is successful, your mobile application relays the success to your backend
  6. Invoke Bureau's backend API /v1/suppliers/device-fingerprint to fetch insights
    1. Input :sessionId
  7. Based on the insights provided (fingerprint, and risk signals), you can determine the next steps for the user, such as allowing, blocking, or redirecting them.

Step 1 - SDK Implementation

  1. Drag and drop "prism_ios_fingerprint_sdk.xcframework" into your Project download
  2. Project Target->General ->Frameworks,embedded content -> Framework should be “Embed & Sign”
  3. "import prism_ios_fingerprint_sdk" in your UIViewcontroller
  4. Info.plist ->Must need
    • “NSUserTrackingUsageDescription”
    • “NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription”
    • “Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description”

Step 2 - Initialise SDK

The SDK is initialized in the client app. Once the submit function is called, the data relating to the user and device is automatically synced in the background.

var entrypoint:BureauAPI?

// Initialize BureauAPI 

entrypoint = BureauAPI(clientID: "***CLIENT ID ***" , environment: .production, sessionID: "*** SESSION ID ***")  

// clientID  -> Bureau Merchant Id
// environment -> .stage, .production, .sandbox
// sessionID -> unique String value
//refVC -> self 

entrypoint?.setUserID("***USER ID***") // set userid
entrypoint?.fingerprintDelegate = self // Assign the delegate

entrypoint?.submit() // submitData to bureau backend 



Client ID and Session ID should be mandatory and session ID should be unique for every request.

Response returned from the SDK

The DataCallback added in the Submit function returns whether the device data has been registered or not.

// Should need to extent the PrismDelegate for your View controller
extension DeviceFingerPrintVC : PrismFingerPrintDelegate{ }

// onFinished Delegate will trigger after success or failure Fingerprint SDK completion 
func onFinished(data: [String : Any]?) { }

// “data” returning blow key values
// "statusCode"  -> Int? ( if statusCode == 200 or 409 “success” else “failure” ) 
// “apiResponse” -> NSDictionary?

Step 3 - Invoke API for Insights

To access insights from users and devices, including device fingerprint, and risk signals, integrating with Bureau's backend API for Device Intelligence insights.

Sample Request and Response

Below is a sample request and response for our Device Intelligence API. Refer to our Device Intelligence API documentation for more details.

Contact our support team at [email protected] to get your API keys and the production endpoint for the API.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MzNiNxxxx2ItZGU2M==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "sessionKey": "697bb2d6-1111-1111-1111-548d6a809360"

  "GPSLocation": {
    "city": "",
    "country": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "region": ""
  "IP": "",
  "IPLocation": {
    "city": "Bengaluru",
    "country": "India",
    "latitude": 12.976229667663574,
    "longitude": 77.60328674316406,
    "region": "Karnataka"
  "IPSecurity": {
    "VPN": false,
    "isCrawler": false,
    "isProxy": false,
    "isTor": false,
    "threatLevel": "LOW"
  "IPType": "v4",
  "OS": "ios",
  "accessibilityEnabled": false,
  "adbEnabled": false,
  "behaviouralRiskLevel": "UNKNOWN",
  "confidenceScore": 100,
  "createdAt": 1712573578096,
  "debuggable": false,
  "developerMode": false,
  "deviceRiskLevel": "MEDIUM",
  "deviceRiskScore": 25.56,
  "emulator": false,
  "factoryResetRisk": "LOW",
  "factoryResetTime": null,
  "fingerprint": "6db7755c-1232-4f9d-ae1e-52bd952fac68",
  "firstSeenDays": 9,
  "googlePlayStoreInstall": true,
  "isAppCloned": true,
  "isAppTampered": null,
  "isDebuggingEnabled": false,
  "isOEMUnlockAllowed": false,
  "isSimPresent": true,
  "merchantId": "org_4KRtr8n6xKTsONjo",
  "mitmAttackDetected": false,
  "mockgps": false,
  "model": "A063",
  "networkInformation": {
    "ipType": "HOME",
    "isp": "Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt. Ltd."
  "package": "id.bureau.sdkdemo",
  "remoteDesktop": false,
  "requestId": "26de630a-c4c2-451f-8718-b7df6a1f786b",
  "riskCauses": [
  "riskLevel": "MEDIUM",
  "riskScore": 25.56,
  "rooted": false,
  "sessionId": "3ad55d53-08be-46d5-8103-a8d0b570d6f5",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "timestamp": 1713427153595,
  "totalUniqueUserId": 5,
  "userId": "dhruvMultiple",
  "voiceCallDetected": false