Phone Insights (User Insights & Phone Name Attributes)

Question: What is the business name? How does it impact the end customer?

Answer: When the Business Name flag is True, it means that we have found a business entity name against the phone number. This flag suggests that the user might not be a Salaried customer.

Question: What is the source of the Business name? What is the source of this data?

Answer: There is a list of 400 common business names (like enterprise, store, hardware, etc), among all the names against the phone number, we run this check and if any of these 400+ names is found, we flag the business name as TRUE. The sources of this data is multifold, collected from a lot of public listing, as well as collected via Telco relationships, etc.

Question: What is digitalAge of a phone number?

Answer: We take the combination of the phone number and the input name, and check when was the first time we saw this combination for the first time (let's say XX) in our data universe. Further, the output would be in the number of days, which would be Today’s day-XX.

Question: How is it different from Age of the Phone number?

Answer: The age of the phone number takes just the phone number as input, and hence only checks for that, and gives you the output as the First seen date of the phone number. Mostly the Age of the phone number would be higher than the digitalAge output.

Question: firstName, lastName - When should we pass that optional field? - What is mandatory, what is not?

Answer: Ideally, we prefer the name as a single string, else when given as the firstName and lastName, we combine it as our own. For the phone-name-attributes, we will need either of two ways of name (full name as a string or in form of first name and last name.

Question: Name match score band data/logic.

Answer: The following table shows the band interpretations:

Bureau's ScoreBureau's CommentExplanation
0 to 24No name match foundThere was no name match found between the name provided by the user and the name found by Bureau.
25 to 49Partial last name matchThere was a partial match found between the last name provided by the user and the last name found by Bureau.
50 to 74First name matchThere was a name match found between the first name provided by the user and the first name found by Bureau.
75 to 99Partial name matchThere was a partial match found between the first and last name provided by the user and the first and last name found by Bureau.
100Perfect name matchThere was a perfect match between the first name and last name provided by the user and found by Bureau.