React Native SDK (Android + iOS)

Welcome to our react native plugin designed to seamlessly integrate with the Bureau's Device Intelligence, enhancing the functionality of mobile apps or webpages.

Getting Started:

To integrate our React Native plugin into your project, follow the comprehensive documentation provided below. Ensure a seamless implementation and unlock the full potential of Device Intelligence for your application.

Minimum Requirements

  • SDK Minimum Version 21
  • Kotlin Minimum Version: 1.6.20
  • Java Minimum Version: 11
  • iOS Minimum Version: 13
  • AndroidX

Android Changes

  • The XML below is a representation of the permissions required. Please refer to the table below.
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC" />
  <uses-permission android:name="" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> //OPTIONAL
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.gps" />
  <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location" />

iOS Changes

Make the below changes to Info.plist


//App would like to access IDFA for tracking purpose

Integration Steps

At its core, the solution functions through three straightforward steps:

  1. Start by installing Device Intelligence SDK with mobile application.
  2. Initialize the SDK - this enables us to gather user and device data. We will then thoroughly analyze and enhance the collected data in the background.
  3. You can then utilize our API to access insights, aiding you in deciding the subsequent actions for your user, whether it's permitting, obstructing, or redirecting them.

Flow Diagram

This diagram shows the interactions between a merchant's mobile app and Bureau's SDK.

  1. sessionKey and userid are generated / retrieved by the client backend and sent to your application
  2. Your mobile application initialises our SDK through the init function by setting these attributes -
    1. Session ID (mandatory unique UUID)
    2. User ID (optional)
    3. Flow (optional)
  3. Invoke the submit function in SDK to pass the data to Bureau backend.
  4. Upon successful submission of the parameters, a callback is received in the SDK. The next steps can be taken based on the callback (success/failure).
  5. If the callback is successful, your mobile application relays the success to your backend
  6. Invoke Bureau's backend API /v1/suppliers/device-fingerprint to fetch insights
    1. Input :sessionId
  7. Based on the insights provided (fingerprint, and risk signals), you can determine the next steps for the user, such as allowing, blocking, or redirecting them.

Step 1 - SDK Installation

npm install react-native-bureauid-fraud-sdk

Step 2 - Initialise SDK

Node modules changes

Make following change in node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils.kt

fun configureRepositories(project: Project, reactNativeDir: File) {
      mavenRepoFromUrl("") // add this line

iOS Changes

Make the below changes to Info.plist


//App would like to access IDFA for tracking purpose

On Production

// Import package
import { submitDeviceIntelligence } from 'react-native-bureauid-fraud-sdk';

// To use Device Intelligence as a standalone product
let deviceResult = ''
    ).then(((val)=>{deviceResult = val});

On Sandbox

// Import package
import { submitDeviceIntelligence } from 'react-native-bureauid-fraud-sdk';

// To use Device Intelligence as a standalone product
let deviceResult = ''
    ).then(((val)=>{deviceResult = val}); 

The status object for submitDeviceIntelligence methods would be a Bureau's own custom class that has the following properties.

  1. isSuccess boolean to check the success of deviceintelligence.
  2. errorMessage and errorCode to pinpoint errors in the case isSuccess is false and empty for true cases.

Step 3 - Invoke API for Insights

To access insights from users and devices, including device fingerprint, and risk signals, integrating with Bureau's backend API for Device Intelligence insights.

Sample Request and Response

Below is a sample request and response for our Device Intelligence API. Refer to our Device Intelligence API documentation for more details.

Contact our support team at [email protected] to get your API keys and the production endpoint for the API.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MzNiNxxxx2ItZGU2M==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "sessionKey": "697bb2d6-1111-1111-1111-548d6a809360"
  "GPSLocation": {
    "city": "",
    "country": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "region": ""
  "IP": "",
  "IPLocation": {
    "city": "Bengaluru",
    "country": "India",
    "latitude": 12.976229667663574,
    "longitude": 77.60328674316406,
    "region": "Karnataka"
  "IPSecurity": {
    "VPN": false,
    "isCrawler": false,
    "isProxy": false,
    "isTor": false,
    "threatLevel": "LOW"
  "IPType": "v4",
  "OS": "android",
  "accessibilityEnabled": false,
  "adbEnabled": false,
  "behaviouralRiskLevel": "UNKNOWN",
  "confidenceScore": 100,
  "createdAt": 1712573578096,
  "debuggable": false,
  "developerMode": false,
  "deviceRiskLevel": "MEDIUM",
  "deviceRiskScore": 25.56,
  "emulator": false,
  "factoryResetRisk": "LOW",
  "factoryResetTime": null,
  "fingerprint": "6db7755c-1232-4f9d-ae1e-52bd952fac68",
  "firstSeenDays": 9,
  "googlePlayStoreInstall": true,
  "isAppCloned": true,
  "isAppTampered": null,
  "isDebuggingEnabled": false,
  "isOEMUnlockAllowed": false,
  "isSimPresent": true,
  "merchantId": "org_4KRtr8n6xKTsONjo",
  "mitmAttackDetected": false,
  "mockgps": false,
  "model": "A063",
  "networkInformation": {
    "ipType": "HOME",
    "isp": "Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt. Ltd."
  "package": "id.bureau.sdkdemo",
  "remoteDesktop": false,
  "requestId": "26de630a-c4c2-451f-8718-b7df6a1f786b",
  "riskCauses": [
  "riskLevel": "MEDIUM",
  "riskScore": 25.56,
  "rooted": false,
  "sessionId": "3ad55d53-08be-46d5-8103-a8d0b570d6f5",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "timestamp": 1713427153595,
  "totalUniqueUserId": 5,
  "userId": "dhruvMultiple",
  "voiceCallDetected": false