This SDK has the capabilities related to device intelligence and OTL

Minimum Requirements

  • Xcode 11.0+
  • iOS Deployment Target > 13.0

Integration Steps

At its core, the solution functions through three straightforward steps:

  1. Start by implementing OTL SDK with mobile application.
  2. Initialize the SDK using either the Client ID or Credential ID and call makeauthcall() method. This enables us to make initiate api call.
  3. You can then utilize our API to access user insights, aiding you in deciding the subsequent actions for your user.

Flow Diagram

This diagram shows the interactions between a merchant's mobile app and Bureau's SDK.

  1. sessionId is generated by the client backend and sent to the SDK.
  2. phoneNumber is entered by the user
  3. Initialise the SDK and invoke the authenticate function in SDK to make the initiate api call.
  4. Upon successful submission of the parameters, a callback is received in the SDK. The next steps can be taken based on the callback (success/failure).
  5. If the callback is successful, Invoke the Bureau's backend API v2/auth/userinfo to fetch user info for OTL.
  6. Based on the user info, you can determine to login or send OTP as SMS in case of failure.

Step 1: Add the SDK to Your Project

  1. Drag and drop the bureauauth.xcframework into your Xcode project.
  2. Verify that the bureauauth.xcframework is included under “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” (under your project’s target settings).
  3. Ensure that the “Embed & Sign” option is selected for the framework.

Step 2: Import Bureau Authentication

In the class where you intend to use the Bureau SDK, import the bureauauthentication module.

import bureauauthentication

Step 3: Configure info.plist

Open and add the below code to the info.plist file.


Step 4: Initialize SDK

Create an instance of the Bureau SDK using the below builder pattern.

let bureauObj = BureauAuth.Builder()
          .setClientId(clientId: "<client ID>")
     //Other Options in builder are
        //setTimeout - total timeout in seconds
        //mode - sandbox and production

You can customize other options in the builder, such as setting a timeout, callback URL, or choosing between sandbox and production mode.



  • To initialise the SDK we need to provide client ID.
  • The default environment is production. If you want to run on UAT pass ENV_SANDBOX

Step 5: Usage

Make an authentication call using the makeauthcall method.

let response = bureauobj.makeauthcall(mobile: "", correlationID: "")
if response {
    // Proceed with waiting for the callback from Bureau servers or poll the userinfo API



  • If the makeAuthCall() method returns True you can go ahead and wait for the callback from Bureau servers or poll the User Info API.
  • mobile: This is the number you want to verify.
  • correlationId is mandatory and unique for each authentication.

Step 6: Poll User Info API

To access insights from users for OTL, integrating with Bureau's backend API is a must for both OTL.

Please find below the link to the respective API documentation:



API's are authenticated via a clientID and secret, they have to be base64 encoded and sent in the header with the parameter name as Authorisation.

Authorisation : Base64(clientID:secret)

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MzNjMDBg0YzZWM3NTI1OWNiOA=='

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MzNjMDBg0YzZWM3NTI1OWNiOA=='

API Response

Bureau's Backend API will return one of the following HTTP status codes for every request:

  "mobileNumber": "919932403339",
  "country_code": "IN",
  "status": "Success",
  "authenticatedAt": "1704364405"
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "type": "BAD_REQUEST",
        "message": "Session key is missing",
        "description": "request does not contain additionalData.sessionKey param in request",
        "referenceId": "24f94ae8-xxxx-48a4-xxxx-b25f99fb06d9",
        "metadata": null
    "timestamp": 1658402143450,
    "merchantId": "auth0|61dfbbxxxx3420071be7021",
    "requestId": "66403193-xxxx-44bc-xxxx-14735a45dfeb"
  "data": null,
  "errors": {
    "status": 401,
    "errorCode": "UNAUTHORIZED",
    "service": "Overwatch"
  "message": "",
  "meta": {
    "length": 0,
    "took": 0,
    "total": 0
    "error": {
        "code": 422,
        "description": "Failed to find fingerprint for given session key",
        "message": "NO_RECORD_FOUND",
        "metadata": null,
        "referenceId": "",
        "type": "NO_RECORD_FOUND"
    "merchantId": "auth0|61dfbbxxxx420071be7021",
    "requestId": "24e1aa7f-xxxx-404d-xxxx-5f8a0227e8f0",
    "statusCode": 422,
    "timestamp": 1658402132141
  "error": {
    "code": 0,
    "description": "",
    "message": "Server encountered an error",
    "metadata": null,
    "referenceId": "86529a18-a5cb-4da9-91b0-8d04cdb9167e",
  "merchantId": "auth0|61dfxxxx0071be7021",
  "requestId": "c69d86f0-xxxx-4ef0-xxxx-e687d595a507",
  "statusCode": 500,
  "timestamp": 1657009043753