Aadhaar iOS SDK

Enables your user to download compliant UIDAI Aadhaar XML inside your existing iOS App using offline Aadhaar verification as well as allows for DigiLocker verification method.

This SDK (iOS) provides a set of screens and functionality to let your user complete the Android Application itself. This reduces customer drop-off as they do not need to navigate to the UIDAI Aadhaar Website to download the same.

Aadhaar Offline or Digilocker is the only valid method to submit your Aadhaar identity to any RBI Regulated Entity to complete KYC. The Bureau SDK provides an easy-to-use Verification suite that will enable the most seamless customer onboarding.

Minimum Requirements

  1. Xcode 11.0 +
  2. Deployment Target >13.0

Steps in the SDK

Digilocker Flow

  1. User is guided to the Digilocker website to submit their Aadhaar details.
  2. Input for "Aadhaar Number" is filled in by the end user.
  3. On continuing
    An OTP is received by the end user which should be entered in the next page.
  4. Once the details entered are authenticated, the Aadhaar details are received by Bureau's backend server.
  5. The app backend server will make an API call to Bureau backend server and fetch the details of the user.

Aadhaar Flow

  1. The user is guided to the UIDAI website to download the paperless e-KYC (Aadhaar .xml)
  2. Inputs for "Aadhaar Number" & Captcha are filled by the end user.
  3. On continuing
    An OTP is received by the end user which is then auto-read by the SDK. The SDK only reads the received OTP message through the screen.
  4. Once the details entered are authenticated, the Aadhaar .xml is downloaded in a .zip which is password(share code) protected.

Integration of the SDK

  1. Drag and drop the prism_ios_native_sdk.xcframework into the project
  2. Verify the prism_ios_native_sdk.xcframework is included under frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded content(Under Targets)
    • It should be Embed & Sign option

Initialize of SDK

  var entryPoint:PrismEntryPoint?
  // Initialize PRISM ENTRYPOINT
  entryPoint = PrismEntryPoint.init(merchantId: "***CLIENT KEY ***", userId: "*** UNIQUE USER ID ***", successRedirectURL: "*** URL ***", failureRedirectURL: "*** URL ***", runOnProduction: .stage,refVC: self)
  // runOnProduction have .stage, .production, .sandbox 
  entryPoint?.prismEntryDelegate = self

Usage & Functional Call

// Adding config to priortize the flows by which Aadhaar data is to be taken can be added multiple times    
// The above order of methods can be rearranged based on priority
entryPoint?.addConfig(config: [.digilockerFlow, .myAadhaarUidaiFlow])

// KYC initiate call



  1. UserId and MerchantId** are mandatory fields and should not be empty. UserId is a unique string that represents each unique user trying the flow.
  2. At least 2 methods should be set as first and second priority when adding config to SDK.

Response returned from the SDK

// Shoulde need to extent the PrismDelegate for your View controller

extension ViewController:PrismEntryPointDelegate { }

// onKYCFinished Delegate will trigger after success or failure Digilocker flow completion
func onKYCFinished(data: [String : Any]?) { }
     // data returning blow key values
     // "status -> Bool"
     // suppose if status == false "error -> [String:Any]"
     // For old aadhaarflow if status == true "userInfo -> [String:Any]" // userInfo is the complete aadhaarinformation

You can show error or Toast message based on status returns 'True' in your client side application