
Glossary terms pertaining to Bureau's Behavior Biometrics SDKs.

1. Client ID or Credential ID Client ID or Credential ID is a unique identifier that Bureau provides to you to interact with our system programmatically. This ID is required for all API calls to the Bureau SDK.
2. Fingerprint The fingerprint is a unique identifier that Bureau generates based on different device parameters. This identifier is used to uniquely identify the device and generate the insights for the session.
3. Flow This describes the nature of the risky activity that is being considered LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION.
4. init () This function initiates the process of collecting data from the user's device / browser for further processing by our systems.
5. Session ID The Session ID is a unique identifier that you must set for each session. This identifier is used to track the session and to fetch the insights for that session for example - app launch, app signup, or login flow.
6. startSession () After the SDK initialization, this starts collecting the user behavioral data like keystroke data, click data, motion data, and sensor data. Using these data points, the user similarity behavior, behavioral anomaly score, and bot prediction score are calculated. To train the model on each user, six sessions are needed.
7. stopSession () This stops collecting the behavioral data.
8. submit () This function transfers the collected datapoints from the user's device / browser to our systems for further processing.
9. User ID The User ID is a unique identifier that you must set for each user. This identifier is used to track the user across sessions and to correlate the insights for different sessions. For example: Hashed SSN/PAN/Other government identity number, mobile number, etc.