iOS Native

This SDK has the capabilities related to device intelligence and behavioural biometrics

Minimum Requirements

  • Xcode 11.0+
  • iOS Deployment Target > 13.0 & Mac OS > 12.0.
Permission TypeDescription
OptionalUser Current location - CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() //
RequiredFor Advertising Identifier IDFA - requestTrackingAuthorization

Integration Steps

Flow Diagram

This diagram shows the interactions between your mobile app and Bureau's SDK.

  1. sessionID , userid and flow are made available to your front end application (preferable from backend where required).
  2. Call the BureauAPI.shared.configure()function with the parameters ( need to call this initiate in anywhere ex:ViewDidLoad()-UIViewController or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions()-AppDelegate )
    1. clientID - MANDATORY
    2. environment - MANDATORY
    3. sessionID - MANDATORY
    4. enableBehavioralBiometrics - MANDATORY - true/false
  3. Call the setters functions for the below mandatory parameters
    1. UserID - setUserId - meant to unique to a user for e.g. hashed value of a PAN number or SSN number or hash of mobile number
  4. Call the setters functions for the below optional parameters
    1. Flow - setFlow - String ex: "LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION"
  5. If you want to collect behavioural signals, then do the following-
    1. Call startSubSession to commence the collection of raw behavioural data points
    2. Call stopSubSessionto end the collection of raw behavioural data points
    3. Ideally a typical flow would to start collecting after the launch of the application and stop collecting after the login or sign-in button is pressed when the user enters username and password
  6. Finally call the submit function to send the device and behavioural datapoints for processing
    1. Call submitfunction
  7. Upon successful submission of the parameters, a callback is received in the SDK. The next steps can be taken based on the callback (success/failure)
  8. After receiving a successful callback, invoke Bureau's backend API /v2/services/behaviour-device-insights to fetch the results of behavioural and device intelligence results such as device fingerprint ID, user similarity score, bot score and so on

Quick Start

Step 1 - Add Dependency

  1. SDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
# Podfile
pod 'bureau-id-fraud-sdk'

#Add below lines to end of your pod file
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
  1. "import bureau_id_fraud_sdk" in your UIViewcontroller
  2. Info.plist -> Add below properties
    • “NSUserTrackingUsageDescription”
    • “NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription”
    • “Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description”

Step 2 - Initialise SDK

The SDK is initialized in the client app. Once the submit function is called, the data relating to the user and device is automatically synced in the background.

// Initialize BureauAPI Where ever you want AppDelegate or ViewController

BureauAPI.shared.configure(clientID: "***CLIENT ID**", environment: .production, sessionID: "*** SESSION ID ***", enableBehavioralBiometrics: true)

// clientID  -> Bureau Merchant Id
// environment -> .stage, .production, .sandbox
// sessionID -> unique String value
// enableBehavioralBiometrics -> true/false

BureauAPI.shared.setUserID("***USER ID***")

//call this to start collecting behavior biometrics signals

BureauAPI.shared.stopSubSession() //Optional -> suppose if we are not call this function
															 //it will call automatically when BureauAPI.shared.submit() 

//assign the delegate where you want to get a callback response from SDK
BureauAPI.shared.fingerprintDelegate = self

BureauAPI.shared.submit() //submit device and behavior(if enabled) data to Bureau's backend using the submit function



Client ID and Session ID should be mandatory. Session ID should be unique for every request.

Response returned from the SDK

The DataCallback added in the Submit function returns whether the device data has been registered or not.

// Should need to extent the PrismDelegate for your View controller
extension YourViewController : PrismFingerPrintDelegate{ }

// onFinished Delegate will trigger after success or failure Fingerprint SDK completion 
func onFinished(data: [String : Any]?) { }

// “data” returning blow key values
// "statusCode"  -> Int? ( if statusCode == 200 or 409 “success” else “failure” ) 
// “apiResponse” -> NSDictionary?

Step 3 - Invoke API for Insights

To access insights from users and devices, including device fingerprint, and risk signals, integrating with Bureau's backend API for Device Intelligence insights.

Sample Request and Response

Below is a sample request and response for our Device Intelligence API. Refer to our Device Intelligence API documentation for more details.

Contact our support team at [email protected] to get your API keys and the production endpoint for the API.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MzNiNxxxx2ItZGU2M==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "sessionKey": "697bb2d6-1111-1111-1111-548d6a809360"

  "GPSLocation": {
    "city": "",
    "country": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "region": ""
  "IP": "",
  "IPLocation": {
    "city": "Bengaluru",
    "country": "India",
    "latitude": 12.976229667663574,
    "longitude": 77.60328674316406,
    "region": "Karnataka"
  "IPSecurity": {
    "VPN": false,
    "isCrawler": false,
    "isProxy": false,
    "isTor": false,
    "threatLevel": "LOW"
  "IPType": "v4",
  "OS": "ios",
  "accessibilityEnabled": false,
  "adbEnabled": false,
  "behaviouralFeatures": {
    "autofillActivity": "LOW",
    "backgroundAppPushActivity": "LOW",
    "copyPasteActivity": "LOW",
    "fieldFocusActivity": "LOW",
    "sessionDurationInMS": 596908510,
    "swipeActivityDetected": false
  "behaviouralRiskLevel": "MEDIUM",
  "behaviouralRiskScore": 26.79,
  "botDetectionScore": 0,
  "confidenceScore": 20,
  "createdAt": 1712648006459,
  "debuggable": true,
  "developerMode": false,
  "deviceRiskLevel": "VERY_HIGH",
  "deviceRiskScore": 81.51,
  "emulator": false,
  "factoryResetRisk": "LOW",
  "factoryResetTime": null,
  "fingerprint": "68055d2e-4811-45db-a298-cb4ff17eb2c8",
  "firstSeenDays": 12,
  "googlePlayStoreInstall": false,
  "isAppCloned": true,
  "isAppTampered": null,
  "isDebuggingEnabled": null,
  "isOEMUnlockAllowed": null,
  "isSimPresent": null,
  "isTrainingSession": false,
  "merchantId": "auth0|623980a33d162b006930a877",
  "mitmAttackDetected": false,
  "mockgps": false,
  "model": "SM-M326B",
  "networkInformation": {
    "ipType": "HOME",
    "isp": "Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt. Ltd."
  "package": "id.bureau.deviceintelligence",
  "remoteDesktop": false,
  "requestId": "0a55480c-faf0-44a7-a9e3-fe3353e34214",
  "riskCauses": [
  "riskLevel": "VERY_HIGH",
  "riskScore": 65.094,
  "rooted": false,
  "sessionId": "f70a2b7d-dd75-4075-9ba1-ee4ee2e20b5a",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "timestamp": 1713427163350,
  "totalUniqueUserId": 3,
  "userId": "sriram",
  "userSimilarityScore": 23.924109706617298,
  "voiceCallDetected": false